Seriously, with my discovery of Facebook most of my spare time is spent catching up with friends, posting pictures and random thoughts. I've been feeling like I'm missing something and certain things just aren't meant for Facebook. The blog can be more personal for our close family and friends.
So, I'm going to make an attempt to maintain our blog once again on a more regular basis!
Let's start with this past 4th of July holiday weekend. My Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jill were in town from Aiken, SC staying with my parents. We had three fun filled days of eating, swimming and more eating!!
Kaitlyn lost another tooth. This one was on the top. The bottom two holes are already starting to have teeth grow in.
Tyler has really started swimming on his own -no floaties! I think he spent more time under water playing and getting dive sticks than he did above it!
Well, so much for catching up - the hungry monkeys are calling for me. More again soon!