Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Little Swimmers!

Ok, we had an awesome Memorial Day weekend. Namma and Grandpa opened up their pool (yes, it's heated) and we couldn't keep Kaitlyn out of it! She's a little fish (or as she says "Ariel the Mermaid"!) Tyler on the other hand wasn't too interested in the pool - pretty much had a total meltdown. He did manage to entertain himself with a pot of water we had sitting out for our friends dog. Then I got some great snuggle time after - check out those curls!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Update on Jen

I haven't shared this blog with many people yet as I really haven't had the time lately to work on it like I had intended. I wanted to post an update about my treatment and let everyone know that I'm doing really well. My surgeries (yes plural) went well and they have completely removed my thryoid. The cancer had spread to my lymph nodes so I'll be doing Radioactive Iodine Therapy (RAI) in mid June - probably the 12th. I'll have to stay in a lead lined room at the hospital for 1-2 days and drink TONS of water to flush it out of my system. Then I'll stay at my parents house in the guest room (where I'll have access to a private bath) for probably another 5-8 days. At the hospital they will bring things to me and slide them under the door! I think it will feel like I'm in the nut house - probably not a bad place for me anyway! Anything I bring in (books etc) will be discarded when I leave. No e-mail or eBay for me for 2 days! I will be crazy!

At home (my Mom's) I'll have to use paper plates etc., flush the toilet 2x after each use, wipe down the shower after use. I'll have to be 6 ft. away from my parents or more at all times, but can see them in 5 min periods after a few days. Crazy stuff! If the kids weren't so little I could probably go home after 3 days, but since they won't understand why I have to stay away from them it's not worth the trauma (or risk) to exposing them to Mommy.

The Friday after "I get nuked" I'll have a full body scan and they can determine if the cancer had spread anywhere else besides my neck. I'll have those scans about every 6 months going forward and hopefully will remain cancer free.

Ok - I promise to keep you all updated but this blog was supposed to be about the fun times with the family and our kids! So if I'm not posting enough information just e-mail me!!! I also have another "cool" scar to add to my collection so I've posted a, it's really cute of Tyler.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Got a Medal!

Kaitlyn finished the Winter Semester at The Little Gym and the kids all performed their routines for us! At the end they had an award ceremony and everyone received a medal for a job well done. Very cute!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Last Day of School

Kaitlyn's preschool celebrated their last day with a "Happy Birthday America" party and parade. Here are a few cute pictures from today. **Note - she's supposed to be in her wagon that was decorated as a float - NOT on Daddy's shoulders!**

Kaitlyn and her friend Cole were making bracelet noise makers for the parade.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


So many people have been so supportive and we just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!

These are a few pictures of some of the flowers and treats we received. I've also been getting lots of words of encouragement and food! Thanks again! We are truely blessed to have such great friends.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Playing Nicely

Yes, occassionally the kids actually get along!

Some cute pictures of Tyler that I had to share....

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A visit from Uncle Jerry & Aunt Jill

My Aunt and Uncle were in town for a few days. While they were here Uncle Jerry taught Kaitlyn a few things.....

like saying "subdural hematoma" (yes, I had to check the spelling) and "articulating knuckle boom" and also how to juggle.

This is my favorite picture of Tyler trying to wink!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Announcing Princess Kaitlyn!

We've been bribing Kaitlyn...
The deal was to keep her pull-up dry at nap time and at night time for a week and Namma would get her a Cinderella costume. She did it and as you can see she was so PROUD!