Sunday, July 13, 2008

Couldn't Sleep

I couldn't sleep (what's new) so I thought I'd check e-mail and do a quick blog post before trying to sleep again.

Wanted to include a few pics of the kids from the past week. Kaitlyn LOVES to pose now when we take pictures and I think this was Tyler's attempt at copying his big Sister! It's been raining a lot the past few days so no new swimming pictures....hopefully soon, I know our little mermaid misses the pool!

I see my Dr. in the morning so hopefully I'll hear good news and I'll be able to start sleeping again!!! I'll post an update about the appointment soon.

1 comment:

Bartell Family Singers said...

Hey Jen, it's Jill Bartell from Quest. Thanks for the I'm sure you hear everyday, your kids are adorable! I'm thinking good thoughts for you today.