Monday, July 14, 2008


Allen went with me to the endocronologist this morning and we have exciting news to share! I got a clean bill of health ---- I'M CANCER FREE! Hooray! Thanks so much for everyone's support and prayers. These past few months have been really tough for us and we couldn't have done it without you! We are so blessed to have such great friends and family!

Outlook for the future: He said I had a less than 1% chance of this cancer coming back. He said that I was at more risk of dying driving to his office than from thyroid cancer! However, we will still take precautions and I'll be monitored every 6 months. In December I'll have the Thyrogen injections again for two days followed by another dose of radiation (smaller this time) and then the next day I'll have a body scan. If the results from that scan are still clear then I'll only have to have blood work taken every 6 months going forward! Yeah! Thanks again.


a little leprechaun said...

That is awesome news Jen!! Absolutely wonderful!! And the kids are soooo cute!! I can't believe how big they are getting!! Thank you for the update!

Bartell Family Singers said...

Excellent news!! Now you can really enjoy the summer!!